Client Builder Class

class es_client.Builder(raw_config, autoconnect=True, version_min=(8, 0, 0), version_max=(8, 99, 99))
  • raw_config (dict) – See defaults to find acceptable values
  • autoconnect (bool) – Connect to client automatically
Attr client:

Elasticsearch Client object

Attr master_only:

Check if node is elected master.

Attr is_master:

Connected to elected master?

Attr client_args:

Shows what settings were used to connect to Elasticsearch.


Create api_key tuple from self.other_args[‘api_key’] subkeys id and api_key


Create basic_auth tuple from username and password


Remove hosts key if cloud_id provided


Ensure that the top-level key elasticsearch and its sub-keys, other_settings and client are in config before passing it to SchemaCheck for value validation.


If master_only is True and we are not connected to the elected master node, raise NotMaster


Use certifi if using ssl and ca_certs has not been specified.


Compare the Elasticsearch cluster version to our acceptable versions


Find out if we are connected to the elected master node


Instantiate the Elasticsearch Client object and populate client


Get the Elasticsearch version of the connected node


Connect and execute

Builder Attribute Errata

client:The Elasticsearch Client object is only created after passing all other tests, and if autoconnect is True
is_master:Initially set to None, this value is set automatically if autoconnect is True. It can otherwise be set by calling _find_master() after _get_client() has been called first.

Class Instantiation Flow

  1. Check to see if elasticsearch key is in the supplied raw_config dictionary. Log a warning about using defaults if it is not.

  2. Run _check_config() on raw_config

  3. Set instance attributes version_max and version_min with the provided values.

  4. Set instance attribute master_only to the value from raw_config

  5. Initialize instance attribute is_master with a None

  6. Set instance attribute skip_version_test to the value from raw_config

  7. Set instance attribute client_args to the value of raw_config['elasticsearch']['client']

  8. Execute _check_basic_auth() to build the basic_auth tuple, if username and password are not None.

  9. Execute _check_api_key() to build the api_key tuple, if the id and api_key sub-keys are not None.

  10. Execute _check_cloud_id() to ensure the client connects to the defined cloud_id rather than anything in hosts.

  11. Execute _check_ssl() to ensure we have at least the certifi signing certificates.

  12. If autoconnect is True:

    1. Execute _get_client() to finally build the Elasticsearch Client client object.
    2. Execute _check_version() and _check_master() as post-checks. Nothing will happen if these checks are not enabled in raw_config