.. _tutorial: ######## Tutorial ######## ************************* Create A Command-Line App ************************* If you haven't gone through the :ref:`example` yet, you should do a once-over there before proceeding here. Now that we see the power of the command-line that is ready for the taking, what's the next step? How do you make your own app work with ``es_client``? As StackOverflow as it may sound, feel free to clone the :ref:`example file ` and start there. I've done the ground work so you don't have to. .. important:: All of these examples assume you have a simple Elasticsearch instance running at localhost:9200 that needs no username or password. This can, in fact, be done using the ``docker_test`` scripts included in the Github repository. Run ``docker_test/create.sh 8.13.2`` to create such an image locally (substitute the version of your choice), and ``docker_test/destroy.sh`` to remove them when you're done. These Docker images will export necessary settings to a ``.env`` file in the root directory of your git fork of ``es_client``, and the CA certificate will be put in ``tests/integration/http_ca.crt``. The tests, as presently constituted, are already configured to use these settings and values. After running ``docker_test/create.sh 8.13.2``, simply run ``pytest`` to see it work. Don't forget to run ``docker_test/destroy.sh`` after you've run the tests--for now, anyway. I will probably have pytest run the ``create.sh`` and ``destroy.sh`` in the future as part of test setup and teardown (at the ``scope='session'`` level). If you do not have Docker, or choose to use a different cluster, you're responsible for adding whatever configuration options/flags are needed to connect. And I am not at all responsible if you delete an index in production because you did something you shouldn't have. .. _tutorial_step_1: ***************** Add a New Command ***************** To make things really simple, we can just add a new command. We already have 2 commands: .. code-block:: console Commands: show-all-options Show all configuration options test-connection Test connection to Elasticsearch A look at the code shows us where that name came from: .. code-block:: python @run.command() @click.pass_context def test_connection(ctx): """ Test connection to Elasticsearch """ # Because of `@click.pass_context`, we can access `ctx.obj` here from the `run` function # that made it: client = get_client(configdict=ctx.obj['configdict']) # If we're here, we'll see the output from GET http(s)://hostname.tld:PORT click.secho('\nConnection result: ', bold=True) click.secho(f'{client.info()}\n') Yeah, it really is that simple. The name of the function becomes the name of the command. Also note that ``@run.command()`` decorator above the ``@click.pass_context`` decorator. These are both absolutely necessary. The ``@run.command()`` decorator gets its ``run`` from the initial function. All you really need to know is that this decorator means, "add this function name as a command to the existing, decorated function ``run``". You probably scrolled back and noticed all of the decorators above the ``run`` function and recognized that's where all of the options come from. That's it! It's actually easier than it looks. So let's copy the entire ``test_connection`` function and make a few changes: .. code-block:: python @run.command() @click.pass_context def delete_index(ctx): """ Delete an Elasticsearch Index """ # Because of `@click.pass_context`, we can access `ctx.obj` here from the `run` function # that made it: client = get_client(configdict=ctx.obj['configdict']) # If we're here, we'll see the output from GET http(s)://hostname.tld:PORT click.secho('\nConnection result: ', bold=True) click.secho(f'{client.info()}\n') So what's different now? We renamed our copied function to ``delete_index``. We also changed the Python docstring--that's the part in between the triple quotes underneath the function name. Let's see what this looks like when we run the basic help output: .. code-block:: console python run_script.py -h Now the output has a difference at the bottom: .. code-block:: console Commands: delete-index Delete an Elasticsearch Index show-all-options Show all configuration options test-connection Test connection to Elasticsearch Cool! Now our new command, ``delete-index`` is starting to take shape. Did you see how the value in the docstring became the description for our new command? .. note:: Our function is named ``delete_index`` but the command is hyphenated: ``delete-index``. .. _tutorial_step_2: ************* Add an Option ************* While our function is named differently and has a different description, it's identical to the ``test-connections`` command still. Let's make a few more changes. .. code-block:: python @run.command() @click.option('--index', help='An index name', type=str) @click.pass_context def delete_index(ctx, index): """ Delete an Elasticsearch Index """ # Because of `@click.pass_context`, we can access `ctx.obj` here from the `run` function # that made it: client = get_client(configdict=ctx.obj['configdict']) # If we're here, we'll see the output from GET http(s)://hostname.tld:PORT click.secho('\nConnection result: ', bold=True) click.secho(f'{client.info()}\n') So, two more changes. We added a new option via one of those clever decorators. Please note that this is the direct way to add an option. The ones you see in the example are using stored default options. For right now, this is all we need. This decorator is telling Click that the command ``delete_index`` now needs to have an option, ``--index``, which has its own helpful description, and we tell Click to reject any non-string values because ``type=str``. Also note that we need to add our new option as a variable in the function definition: .. code-block:: python def delete_index(ctx, index): .. note:: Any options or arguments added need to have variables added this way in the same order as the decorators. Let's run this and see what we get. This time we'll actually run the help on our new command: .. code-block:: console python run_script.py delete-index -h The output from this is pretty cool: .. code-block:: console Usage: run_script.py delete-index [OPTIONS] Delete an Elasticsearch Index Options: --index TEXT An index name -h, --help Show this message and exit. So here we see our command name, ``delete-index``, a positional holder for ``OPTIONS`` which is in square braces because they are optional, our docstring again, and a list of accepted options which now includes ``--index``, and a standard help block. .. _tutorial_step_3: ************** Add in Logging ************** This won't actually delete an index yet. We'll get to that part in a bit. First, let's add some logging: .. code-block:: python @run.command() @click.option('--index', help='An index name', type=str) @click.pass_context def delete_index(ctx, index): """ Delete an Elasticsearch Index """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.info("Let's delete index: %s", index) logger.info("But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch...") client = get_client(configdict=ctx.obj['configdict']) So we deleted some comments, and added 3 lines. The first one says, "create an instance of logger." The second and third use that ``logger`` at ``info`` level to write some log lines. The first includes a string substitution ``%s`` which means, "put the contents of variable ``index`` where the ``%s`` is. It should be noted that logging was already "enabled" in the ``run`` function by the ``configure_logging(ctx)`` function call. Whatever log options were set when we got to that point, whether from a YAML configuration file via ``--config``, or by ``--loglevel``, ``--logfile``, or ``--logformat``, will be in effect before our ``delete_index`` function is ever called. So let's run this much. Go ahead and put in a dummy index name here. There's no deletes happening yet: .. code-block:: console python run_script.py delete-index --index myindex Note that we are omitting the help flag this time. .. code-block:: console 2024-02-03 23:44:25,569 INFO Let's delete index: myindex 2024-02-03 23:44:25,569 INFO But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch... Look at that! We're getting more done. .. _tutorial_step_4: ************************ Add the try/except Logic ************************ So now we have a logger and an Elasticsearch client. Let's add in a delete API call with some "try" logic and see what happens: .. code-block:: python @run.command() @click.option('--index', help='An index name', type=str) @click.pass_context def delete_index(ctx, index): """ Delete an Elasticsearch Index """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.info("Let's delete index: %s", index) logger.info("But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch...") client = get_client(configdict=ctx.obj['configdict']) logger.info("We're connected!") result = 'FAIL' try: result = client.indices.delete(index=index) except NotFoundError as exc: logger.error("While trying to delete: %s, an error occurred: %s", index, exc.error) logger.info('Index deletion result: %s', result) You probably thought I wasn't going to notice that we are attempting to delete an index on an empty test cluster. I know what the score is here. The lines we've added here are not just to inform us when we try to delete an index that's not there, but also to keep the program from dying unexpectedly. If we did not put in this ``try`` / ``except`` block, the program would have exited silently after logging, "We're connected". Go ahead. Try it and see. .. code-block:: console 2024-02-04 00:24:17,409 INFO Let's delete index myindex 2024-02-04 00:24:17,409 INFO But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch... 2024-02-04 00:24:17,422 INFO We're connected! 2024-02-04 00:24:17,424 ERROR While trying to delete: myindex, an error occurred: index_not_found_exception 2024-02-04 00:24:17,424 INFO Index deletion result: FAIL FAIL? Wait, why am I here? .. _tutorial_step_5: *************** COPY PASTE! GO! *************** Well, I don't blame you for not wanting to waste your time. So what good is it that we have a delete function without any indexes to delete? Hmmmmmmm... Begin the COPY PASTE! GO! .. code-block:: python @run.command() @click.option('--index', help='An index name', type=str) @click.pass_context def create_index(ctx, index): """ Create an Elasticsearch Index """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.info("Let's create index: %s", index) logger.info("But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch...") client = get_client(configdict=ctx.obj['configdict']) logger.info("We're connected!") result = 'FAIL' try: result = client.indices.create(index=index) except BadRequestError as exc: logger.error("While trying to create: %s, an error occurred: %s", index, exc.error) logger.info('Index creation result: %s', result) You'll note very few differences here in this copy/paste: * Our function name is ``create_index`` * Our docstring also says ``Create`` * Our API call is now ``client.indices.create`` instead of ``delete`` * Our ``except`` is looking for ``BadRequestError``. We expect a index we want to create to not be found, so a ``NotFoundError`` doesn't make much sense here. Instead, if we try to create an index that's already existing, that would be a bad request. * Our final log message is indicating a ``creation`` result. Let's see our main usage/help page tail now: .. code-block:: console Commands: create-index Create an Elasticsearch Index delete-index Delete an Elasticsearch Index show-all-options Show all configuration options test-connection Test connection to Elasticsearch Look at all those commands now! .. _tutorial_step_6: *********************** Let's Run Some Commands *********************** ===================== Let's create an index ===================== .. code-block:: console python run_script.py create-index --index myindex 2024-02-04 00:30:45,160 INFO Let's create index: myindex 2024-02-04 00:30:45,160 INFO But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch... 2024-02-04 00:30:45,174 INFO We're connected! 2024-02-04 00:30:45,255 INFO Index creation result: {'acknowledged': True, 'shards_acknowledged': True, 'index': 'myindex'} AHA! Our creation result isn't ``FAIL``! What happens if we run it again, though? .. code-block:: console python run_script.py create-index --index myindex 2024-02-04 00:32:24,603 INFO Let's create index: myindex 2024-02-04 00:32:24,603 INFO But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch... 2024-02-04 00:32:24,613 INFO We're connected! 2024-02-04 00:32:24,617 ERROR While trying to create: myindex, an error occurred: resource_already_exists_exception 2024-02-04 00:32:24,617 INFO Index creation result: FAIL FAIL, but to be expected, right? ===================== Let's delete an index ===================== .. code-block:: console python run_script.py delete-index --index myindex 2024-02-04 00:33:41,396 INFO Let's delete index myindex 2024-02-04 00:33:41,397 INFO But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch... 2024-02-04 00:33:41,405 INFO We're connected! 2024-02-04 00:33:41,436 INFO Index deletion result: {'acknowledged': True} This is pretty fun, right? .. _tutorial_step_7: **************** Just Making Sure **************** So, one last parting idea. Suppose we want to prompt our users with an, "Are you sure you want to do this?" message. How would we go about doing that? With the ``confirmation_option()`` decorator, Like this: .. code-block:: python @run.command() @click.option('--index', help='An index name', type=str) @click.confirmation_option() @click.pass_context def delete_index(ctx, index): By adding ``@click.confirmation_option()``, we can make our command ask us to confirm before proceding: =========== Help Output =========== .. code-block:: console python run_script.py delete-index -h Usage: run_script.py delete-index [OPTIONS] Delete an Elasticsearch Index Options: --index TEXT An index name --yes Confirm the action without prompting. -h, --help Show this message and exit. You can see the ``--yes`` option in there now. =============== Run and decline =============== .. code-block:: console python run_script.py delete-index --index myindex Do you want to continue? [y/N]: N Aborted! =============== Run and confirm =============== .. code-block:: console python run_script.py delete-index --index myindex Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y 2024-02-04 00:43:47,193 INFO Let's delete index myindex 2024-02-04 00:43:47,193 INFO But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch... 2024-02-04 00:43:47,207 INFO We're connected! 2024-02-04 00:43:47,229 INFO Index deletion result: {'acknowledged': True} ============================= Run with the ``--yes`` option ============================= .. code-block:: console python run_script.py delete-index --index myindex --yes 2024-02-04 00:44:29,313 INFO Let's delete index myindex 2024-02-04 00:44:29,313 INFO But first, let's connect to Elasticsearch... 2024-02-04 00:44:29,322 INFO We're connected! 2024-02-04 00:44:29,356 INFO Index deletion result: {'acknowledged': True} You can see that it does not prompt you if you specify the flag. That's it for our little tutorial!