.. _envvars: ##################### Environment Variables ##################### Beginning in version 8.12, es_client allows you to use environment variables to configure settings *without* needing to specify a command-line option or a configuration file option. This should prove exceptionally useful in containerized applications like Kubernetes or Docker. Usage ----- A configuration file example: .. code-block:: yaml elasticsearch: client: hosts: other_settings: username: user password: pass Which would be run as follows: .. code-block:: shell myapp.py --config /path/to/config.yml or a command-line example: .. code-block:: shell myapp.py --hosts --username user --password pass Can *both* be executed with *no* configuration file and *no* command-line options as follows: .. code-block:: shell ESCLIENT_HOSTS= ESCLIENT_USERNAME=user ESCLIENT_PASSWORD=pass myapp.py In Kubernetes or Docker based applications, these environment variables can be set in advance, making the program call exceptionally clean. Of course, you're still welcome to use a configuration file, but identify it with an environment variable: .. code-block:: shell ESCLIENT_CONFIG=/path/to/config.yml myapp.py List of Environment Variables ----------------------------- .. list-table:: Commonly Used Environment Variables :widths: 33 33 34 :header-rows: 1 * - Configuration File - Command-Line - Environment Variable * - - ``--config`` - ESCLIENT_CONFIG * - hosts - ``--hosts`` - :ref:`ESCLIENT_HOSTS ` * - cloud_id - ``--cloud_id`` - ESCLIENT_CLOUD_ID * - token - ``--api_token`` - ESCLIENT_API_TOKEN * - id - ``--id`` - ESCLIENT_ID * - api_key - ``--api_key`` - ESCLIENT_API_KEY * - username - ``--username`` - ESCLIENT_USERNAME * - password - ``--password`` - ESCLIENT_PASSWORD * - request_timeout - ``--request_timeout`` - ESCLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * - verify_certs - ``--verify_certs`` - :ref:`ESCLIENT_VERIFY_CERTS ` * - ca_certs - ``--ca_certs`` - ESCLIENT_CA_CERTS * - client_cert - ``--client_cert`` - ESCLIENT_CLIENT_CERT * - client_key - ``--client_key`` - ESCLIENT_CLIENT_KEY * - loglevel - ``--loglevel`` - ESCLIENT_LOGLEVEL * - logfile - ``--logfile`` - ESCLIENT_LOGFILE * - logformat - ``--logformat`` - ESCLIENT_LOGFORMAT .. list-table:: Uncommon Environment Variables :widths: 33 33 34 :header-rows: 1 * - Configuration File - Command-Line - Environment Variable * - blacklist - ``--blacklist`` - :ref:`ESCLIENT_BLACKLIST ` * - master_only - ``--master-only`` - :ref:`ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY ` * - skip_version_test - ``--skip_version_test`` - :ref:`ESCLIENT_SKIP_VERSION_TEST ` * - bearer_auth - ``--bearer_auth`` - ESCLIENT_BEARER_AUTH * - opaque_id - ``--opaque_id`` - ESCLIENT_OPAQUE_ID * - http_compress - ``--http_compress`` - :ref:`ESCLIENT_HTTP_COMPRESS ` * - ssl_version - ``--ssl_version`` - ESCLIENT_SSL_VERSION * - ssl_assert_hostname - ``--ssl_assert_hostname`` - ESCLIENT_SSL_ASSERT_HOSTNAME * - ssl_assert_fingerprint - ``--ssl_assert_fingerprint`` - ESCLIENT_SSL_ASSERT_FINGERPRINT .. _envvars_multiple: Settings With Multiple Values ----------------------------- .. list-table:: Settings With Multiple Values :widths: 33 33 34 :header-rows: 1 * - Configuration File - Command-Line - Environment Variable * - hosts - ``--hosts`` - ESCLIENT_HOSTS * - blacklist - ``--blacklist`` - ESCLIENT_BLACKLIST Where multiple values are permitted, as with the ``hosts`` and ``blacklist`` settings, this is done by simply specifying multiple values within quotes, e.g. .. code-block:: shell ESCLIENT_HOSTS=" http://localhost:9200" This will automatically expand into an array of values: .. code-block:: shell config: {'client': {'hosts': ['', 'http://localhost:9200']}}... .. _envvars_bool: Settings With Boolean Values ---------------------------- .. list-table:: Settings With Boolean Values :widths: 33 33 34 :header-rows: 1 * - Configuration File - Command-Line - Environment Variable * - verify_certs - ``--verify_certs`` - ESCLIENT_VERIFY_CERTS * - master_only - ``--master-only`` - ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY * - skip_version_test - ``--skip_version_test`` - ESCLIENT_SKIP_VERSION_TEST * - http_compress - ``--http_compress`` - ESCLIENT_HTTP_COMPRESS Where boolean values are accepted, as with the verify_certs setting, this is done with any acceptable boolean-eque value, e.g. 0, F, False for false values, or 1, T, True for true values: .. code-block:: shell ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY=true ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY=T ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY=1 Results in: .. code-block:: shell 'other_settings': {'master_only': True,... While: .. code-block:: shell ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY=false ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY=F ESCLIENT_MASTER_ONLY=0 Results in: .. code-block:: shell 'other_settings': {'master_only': False,... **NOTE: All string-based booleans are case-insensitive.** .. list-table:: Acceptable Boolean Values :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - True - False * - 1 - 0 * - True, TRUE, true - False, FALSE, false * - T, t - F, f